Saturday, May 13, 2006

Living with War - A First Post

Perhaps it's a controversial topic for a first post, but I thought I would direct some traffic to Neil Young's new album, Living With War. For those who don't know the backstory, Young essentially wrote and recorded the album in two weeks. Frankly, it shows. Nothing here is a lyrical masterpiece. The sound is like his Ragged Glory stuff with Crazy Horse, only more seething than brooding. But it doesn't matter much - it's still a remarkably evocative album.

Much to Young's credit, he's keeping equal track of the good and bad praise here.

Young's been streaming the album for free on his site for a couple of weeks now. You should give it a listen. It's not as good as Ohio (written days after the Kent State shootings), but it's better than 99% of anything else that passes for political commentary, including, I should think, this blog.